My mani/pedi was cancelled this evening so I cruised by my favorite bookstore to see if my favorite book boy was there. He was. We talked, we joked, we flirted, I bought, I ordered, I lingered and Mr. Chris still did not ask me out. I am going back this weekend to pick up my ordered book and maybe, just maybe, I will work it into the conversation...single, available, interested. I know he is not gay (he was doing discreet cleavage survey and the gaydar is not screaming) and I am fairly certain he is not seeing someone because of a conversation I overheard him have with his manager. He finds me attractive, he loves my hair, he laughs at my jokes, he likes my book choices....I just want him to do the asking. I am not shy and I don't hesitate to go after what I want, but I want to be chased just a little. Okay, I admit, I have this little fantasy of us drinking coffee and laughing over my obvious ploys to get his attention and how adorable and charming he found me.
The other man in my life--my dance partner--is coming over tomorrow night after we dance to hook up my surround sound and dvd. I could do it, but I just don't feel like it and if I have a volunteer, why should I? The surround sound system is an expensive, very nice one that I bought the ex as a wedding gift. He refused to use it--ever. I hooked it up, I used it, and damn it! I took it with me when I left. What the hell was that all about anyway? He never could offer an explanation for the attitude. James, my dance partner, could not believe the ex did not want the system when he saw it. Anyway, that led to him volunteering to set it up so it will be perfect!
Sometimes men are a bit slow at doing the asking, too afraid of rejection.
Next time you order books ..ask him if he delivers ;O)
Excellent suggestion Tamwill! I think I will try it out. :)
WOW! Only 17% more sassy? I need to work on the attitude a bit more I see.
I'm so glad you have more to say about this book stud. I like this adventure. Thank you for reccomending that book I will definately look into it. I have so many to read already but I trust your judgment on books, so I'm looking forward to it.
oh book boys are so deliciously fun!
good luck, keep us posted!
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