Friday, June 08, 2007
The Name Game

In a completely unprecedented move, I have allowed the new man to have a say in his nickname. I coined BlogLover yesterday but it was met with a three thumbs down. So I asked for his suggestions, but none of them really grabbed at me. His only complaint about BlogLover was that it sounded like he loves blogs. I went with that name because we met here in blogland. *sigh* so what to do? Frankly, he is the only guy I have gone out with that was even aware that a moniker is assigned (a first) and he is also the only the guy who knows about my blog (yet another first) and is allowed to read it (ditto). So last nite when we were bandying about names I said I kinda liked "Sassafried Lovah". To me that indicates that I, SassyAssy, have had an effect on him and ding ding ding, we have a winner--at least temporarily. So BlogLover is now Sassafried Lovah--or SL for short. See--SassyAssy is capable of compromise and reasonableness--when the mood strikes.

SL has promised to show me a good time this weekend....waiting with bated breath to see whether we agree on what a good time consists of....he is off to a stellar start (he paid me good money to say that), but can he sustain or top it???? That is the question dear SL. The gauntlet has been thrown.

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Blogger utenzi said...

You're so sweet to listen to my complaints, Sassy. And I'd even be so forward to say that the bait that you're using isn't limited to your breath. Just saying...

11:52 AM  
Blogger SassyAssy said...


12:40 PM  
Blogger David said...

Blog Lover? Sassafried Lovah? What the hell. . . How about Kitchen Utenzil?


8:07 AM  
Blogger utenzi said...

Hmmm. Is that like being called a tool? Ouch! LOL

11:02 AM  
Blogger SassyAssy said...

You guys are so crazy! Although, I do like the Utensil thingy...has a nice ring....tool indeed.

2:20 PM  
Blogger Fatman said...

(Deep breath) What have you done woman? Are you crazy? My ex found out I had a blog through pure accident (I had emailed her some jokes, and with it my blog addy) and from then on in it was: 'Why haven't you written about me?' or 'Why have you written about that? It was supposed to be private!' or 'Do you touch yourself when you listen to Christina Aguilera filmclips? That's gross.' etc. Be warned.

11:18 PM  
Blogger SassyAssy said...

Fatman--Yeah, I know--it is pure insanity. But, alas, too late! My only consolation is that he blogs too so what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Your problems with your ex went far deeper than a few blog entries I suspect.

6:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fabulous Blog - hope you had a good weekend.


3:01 PM  

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