Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The One That Got Away

I was IM'ing tonight when a familiar name popped up. I knew I had spoken to the person before but I just couldn't place who it was. It was someone I deleted from my contact last. I asked some vague questions hoping for clues to who it was. Finally I figured out I was talking to 27B. He decided to touch base with me and see if I was seeing anyone. He tried to talk me into having a purely physical relationship with him. He is yet another guy who has very little sexual experience. I declined the offer and told him (truthfully) that I wanted/needed & would accept nothing less than a very experienced man. Poor guy--he tried to convince me that we would be dynamite in bed. Wishful thinking on his part. He told me he thought of me often and viewed me as the "one that got away".

Sassy the Heartbreaker of 20-somethings strikes again!



Blogger utenzi said...

Sassy, you might want to rethink that decision. Given some of the recent regrettable events that have occurred with supposedly experience men, maybe you should grab one that you can train. No bad habits, capiche?

Besides, you look like you're twenty-something so you and 27B would no doubt be a great pair. And speaking of great pairs, what do those new Toronto shoes look like? (or any other "pairs" you'd like to show off)

1:36 AM  
Blogger SassyAssy said...

Utenzi, the recent past has not been kind to me in terms of men or sexual experiences, but Lovah was awesome and he is 40-something. I know what I want.

Hmmm...well, I will see what I can do to rustle up a few "pair" pictures.

6:09 AM  

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