Monday, October 13, 2008
Holy Hair Color, Batman!

I definitely walk to the beat of my own drum with my plum streaked hair. I love it, it looks great, and of course, it grabs a lot of attention. I stumbled upon a website that just puts a whole new spin on hair color.

The premise of Betty's hair color is to color the hair down there! Now from one color gray hair down there--that makes sense, but Fun (hot pink) and Malibu (fluorescent blue)? That would definitely bring a pregnant pause to a first time encounter after coloring your coochie. As much fun as I have with coloring my hair, I just don't think I can bring myself to go this route.

I would get caught in the middle of the color processing. I can see it now:

"Honey, ummm...why do you have aluminum foil in your coochie hair? Should I be concerned with aliens or something?" Poor boyfriend sports a bemused look on face.

"Oh, hey!" as I sit legs splayed on the toilet seat trying to act nonchalant. "Well, I have a little surprise for you. What do you think?" I would hold up a merkin with various streaks of colors: Fun, Malibu, BuzzKill (lime green), DiscoDiva (metallic gold), PurplePeopleEater (violet purple). "Care to guess which color I went with?"

Bemused boyfriend backs out of the bathroom and mumbles something about needing a drink or five.



Blogger Smug said...

I kinda want to do it!

11:19 AM  
Blogger SassyAssy said...

Let me know how that works out for ya!

1:56 PM  

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