Tuesday, March 24, 2009
This is Your Fairy Godmother Calling

I woke up to an interesting text message on my phone this morning. It is from a local, unknown number and it reads:

"Hi! This is your angel encourager reminding you, you are beautiful and you have what it takes. Step out in love, it will be ok!!!"

I was also sent an email on MySpace page from a local woman who wanted to know if I was in need of the services of younger men as she has a few male friends she could introduce me to. I had to laugh when I read that. I responded that I appreciated her thoughtfulness, but I can manage my own younger man hunt if that is what I desire. Talk about pimpin your profile!

All kinds of strangers are thinking of me and my heart's (or at least my coochie's) welfare. I feel the love.



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