Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Refuge from Relapse

Grrrrrrr! This nasty chest/sinus/ear thing has not released its hold on me. It is threatening my other ear now. I am pretty tired of the whole sick thing.

As if that were not enough, some former wannabe-with-Sassy-men have resurfaced.These are rejected wannabes I might add. Like the psycho truck driver. I somehow flew into this whackjob's radar last week and he has taken to calling and texting me at all hours of the night. Unfortunately, there is no way to block his calls on a cell phone. Guess I will have Tex answer the phone next time he is around when psycho calls.

Tall dude also resurfaced. My last communique with him in February was to set up a date that weekend. He never returned phone calls, IM's or text messages to confirm and he disappeared. I shrugged and moved on as I was not that into him. Well, he has decided he needs to be in my life. I told him "Tough shit! You were disrespectful and I don't give second chances to men who can't bother to show common courtesy. You haven't even apologized for being a jerk." He slunk away....and then came back for more.

Biker Dude is back for a while, but not in a dating capacity. He is attempting to write a book and I am editing it for him. Of course, the first editing session had him making a pass at me. I managed to get him to back down in the interests of our friendship (such as it is).

Those are the big happenings in Sassyland at present. In between bouts of illness I am out networking and garnering new clients.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon, Sassy. Sounds like a low energy time for you - the men seem a little "low" as well. Kick 'em all to the curb! ;)

9:41 AM  
Blogger utenzi said...

It's good to know that there's some things that never change: like Biker Dude's periodic interest in you. Get well soon, Sass.

10:27 AM  

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