Saturday, January 12, 2008
No Truer Words.....

So the Bastard has a myspace page and since he is still listed as a "friend" albeit a dubious one, I get to see little updates on my myspace page. The little gem that he posted today:

"[Bastard] believes that what you DO far out-weighs what you SAY".

Ya think genius???? Like when you say you are taking a girl out on a date and you NEVER show up.



Blogger Fatman said...

Heya Sassy! First visit for the year so I had to catch up on a bit of reading to see how your dating life currently is (to which I say: Yeesh!) No phone call? No nothing? Even I'd say that was the act of a heartless sod.

I heard one of the worst dating stories I've ever heard (from a woman who is no longer a friend of ours) last year. This woman who is no longer a friend agreed- after WEEKS of being hasseled to go on a date- to finally have dinner with this chap. So, she's waiting at this restaurant (I think it was a restaurant. Could have been a pub. Can't remember) for chap to turn up. He arrives about twenty minutes late (a bad sign) with his ex-girlfriend (an even worse sign).
Do you mind terribly if my ex joined us? asks the date.
The woman who is no longer our friend stared at this guy for a full minute. On one hand she doesn't want to seem UNCOOL for saying no (which, in all seriousness, she had ample right to) but on the other hand, it's her frickin' date.

She reluctantly agrees to have the woman join them for this strange and ugly date. You can possibly guess the outcome already. A few drinks later this woman who is no longer our friend gets the distinct impression that she is not the most important woman at the table. The date and his ex are laughing at each others' jokes, start reminiscing about the "good old times" and get touchy, feely to the point of being nauseating. Have you ever been a third wheel at your own date? I haven't, but the feeling must be godawful. Eventually the date and his ex are staring into each others' eyes. Throats are being cleared in suggestive ways. The woman who is no longer our friend ended up driving the date and the ex back to the date's house so they could rekindle their romance.

There was no second date.

1:17 AM  
Blogger Political Piper said...

Sass- This poor excuse for a man is not worth even the slightest bit of attention. And while I'm sure the lack of closure keeps you a little engaged, don't give in. I had a friend in high school who used to say to me, "the line forms to the left" every time I was screwed over by a guy. For every 1 guy that's a jerk, there are a dozen other possible options out there.

As much as it's a cliche, it's still true... in the end it's his loss. Maybe it's gift that he showed you his true colors this early...this way you can save your time & energy for the guy that will really value you.

9:21 AM  
Blogger SassyAssy said...

Fatman...well, that tale certainly tops any I have had! I would have went for the uncool, Hell no! route and I certainly would never ever driven them home. So what is the story on the woman who is no longer our friend....

Magic--I know girl! Truly when I saw that quote pop up on myspace I couldn't stop laughing. I am going to remove him as a friend today so I don't have to see stuff like that.

10:08 AM  
Blogger utenzi said...

Have you considered having a "bootie Sunday" to go along with the ever popular "DCF", Sassy? Just a thought...

2:52 PM  
Blogger SassyAssy said...

Ah Utenzi...always trying to get my clothes off one way or another!

6:26 PM  
Blogger utenzi said...

There's a lot to be said for consistency, dear Sass. If nothing else, it does mean that I'll actually show up when I say I will--unlike Mr C, apparently.

7:38 PM  
Blogger SassyAssy said...

Darlin' you are definitely consistent!

7:46 PM  

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