Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Interruption to the Wedding Saga

Men! I swear to a higher power that I think I am going to throw in the damn towel.

I canceled the date with Prof God and he actually was quite gracious about it. Unlike Trucker Dude who has turned into Stalker Dude. I told him I was not interested in seeing him after getting to know him a bit. Today, I get the following text message from this psycho: "So I guess you were just playing games from the start." Hmmm, lets think about this a minute: we exchanged some emails, we chatted a few times, we sent a few text messages, he called my voice mail once. There were no actual dates, no promises made so how in THE HELL was I playing a game??? Do these people not understand the concept of dating????

Then tonight (lets just cap off the damn day right), I had a date with Anti-Engineer. He came over to the apartment for pizza, beer, and a game of Scrabble. It was a nice evening and I had fun. I enjoy his company, he is attractive, smart & witty, but I just don't feel that zing. You know, that feeling you get: your breath catches in your throat when you see or think about the person, that inexorable urge to race through the day to be with that person, the desire to touch and be touched by that person. Zip, zero, nada--not there for me. So there I was, I had two beers and had to take a benadryl to deal with the copious amounts of pollen in the air, when he asks where we are headed....is this a conversation we even need to address at this point...can't we, for crying out loud, just enjoy the the time together and see where it leads naturally? Maybe, I just need some time, maybe the zing will come. Who knows? Why the rush??? So he tells me he is not giving me an ultimatum, but as he walked out the door he said it would be best not to see each other any more if I don't feel the spark.

Well, I am down to just an occasional flirtatious message from Canadian guy and Sci-Fi Guy wants to hang out this weekend....great--more "I am sorry, but I am not feeling the spark" conversation to be had.

Me thinkey me needs some sleep. I have a headache.



Blogger unreuly said...

SASSY!!! So I dropped by to gab with you (ok, leave a comment, but y'know!) and here you are talking about what I wanted to gab about to begin with!

So it's clearly close to 2AM EST and here I am minding my own business (read: writing paper due tomorrow) and some guy messages me. And now we're caught up in my first exciting flurry of emails. It's quite thrilling! The ones before this have been rather one-word-answer-ers...Tre boring IMO!

Ok, that is all.
I'm sorry Canuck Chuck is being one-liney. The stalker dude sounds creepy and not-so-bright! I hate when there's no za-za-zoom and you've got to be the one to break it to them!!! So many hearts...so many sassy footprints all over them!

12:29 AM  
Blogger utenzi said...

Man, that is dating Hell, Sassy. I hope you get on track with someone with "zing" soon 'cause then you can get some juicy posts going. Don't forget to take pictures!

1:07 AM  

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