Wow! Summer has ended and where did it go?
Summer started in Seattle for me and it is going to end (belatedly) in Seattle too. I am headed back there next week to hang with my guy, Brian. We both finally realized that whatever "it" is between us is here to stay (since I don't own a magic 8 ball, I can't say for how long). Brian is considering moving here to Sassyland to be near me. One of the things we will be discussing next week. I can't wait to be with him. He is a sweetie and he adores me. Who wouldn't love that???? It is refreshing that a man wants to make or is even considering making such a big move/sacrifice for me. He is the first in a long long time.
This past weekend was quite the hootenany (aka Cirque d'Insane) for my sister and I. We went to Pennsylvania for a cousin's funeral. My sister's family is quite ...colorful...for want of a kinder word. All manner of relatives crawled out of holes to attend and frankly some of them should have just stayed put. The bright side was connecting with cousins I had not seen in over 25 years. The down side was being uber stressed out from the ridiculous behaviors displayed by the parental unit generation.
We had my eight year old niece with us and we stopped in Hershey Park so she would have at least one pleasant memory from this weekend. That was fun! I loved seeing her face light up when she saw the wall of Reeses. That kid is amazing and I just love her! I loaded up on chocolate too! We needed mass quantities to cope!
So that is my summer wrap up. I probably won't be posting again until I return from Seattle. Hope everyone had a great summer like I did. I have been ridiculously busy with building my practice, finishing my masters (in the home stretch with the final two classes), and traveling. Life is great!